Erasmus + K1 - Youth exchange
Nature ConAction
RCV was a partner on Erasmus + K1 approved project called Nature ConAction. The project has been implemented in Targu Neamt, Romania from 8th - 16th July 2019.
Project goals:
Develop a civic spirit among young people to protect the environment.
The objectives of the project are:
• establishing a significant connection with nature for personal and professional development,
• developing a critical spirit in finding solutions to the environment,
• Developing an entrepreneurial spirit.
• Getting to know each other and teamwork,
• Debate,
• Presentations,
• Role Playing,
• Orienteering activities in nature,
• Bison Safari,
• Walking to identify fauna and flora,
• Visits to artisans,
• Business plan,
• Live Exhibition,
• Intercultural activities, etc.
Activities will mainly be active in the Vanatori Neamt Nature Park, a protected area, with a view to resuming.
Participant profile:
• 4 young people aged 16 to 25,
• 1 person from 16 to 60 years - team leader
• interested in the topic of mobility (sustainable development, protected areas, nature evaluation, interaction with nature),
• Priority for persons with disabilities (at least 2 per country),
• At least basic knowledge of English as understood, or the ability to assist in translation from national groups,
• Availability during all project activities,
• Interested and willing to be part of the project,
• Preparing to enjoy the intercultural environment,
Six participants from Spain, Portugal, Romania, and Serbia presented themselves on this project.